New York Times Bestselling Mystery Author
Photo copyright Jacqueline Hanna Photography
My husband and I moved to Arizona in February of 2015 but before that we lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved there for an advertising job right after college. I hadn't planned on staying very long, but I met Charlie, we got married, we raised our son, and a really terrific life happened. I loved Utah, and those years were wonderful.
As a kid I moved around a lot. My dad was a football coach, mostly throughout the Midwest but we spent one year in Portales, New Mexico. A couple of things stood out and and stayed with me that year. 1 - We lived in a haunted house. 2 - The southwest rubbed off on me and I have loved it ever since.
I did get to start and finish high school in one place - Des Moines, Iowa, which is a wonderful city even if the humid climate always was a challenge. I ended up going to college there too, at Drake University where I studied journalism. I made some great friends those years. I'm glad to still be in touch with many of them.
I have only ever wanted to be a writer. I've had good jobs, bad jobs, great bosses, and terrible bosses. Through it all and ever since I was seven, I have only wanted to write. I'm grateful to have the opportunity now.
I spend a lot of time on Facebook. Click below to find me over there.